Facet Joint Pain
All joints undergo degenerative changes associated with the wear and tear of the aging process. Every motion will involve the joints in the spine, likely subjected to sudden/traumatic, repetitive or continuous strain. This syndrome is commonly known as facet joint arthritis or facet arthropathy. It can involve all segments of the spine (neck-cervical, thoracic, lumbo-sacral). Facet joint arthritis often manifests as a deep seated, dull or stabbing/drilling ache across the back, frequently associated with significant stiffness. This pain can spread from the neck into the back of the head and shoulder girdle and from the lower back to the buttocks and thighs. While this pain can be very disabling, we are fairly successful in addressing its root causes and improve both activity and pain level, and overall quality of life.
Contact Details
505 East Matthews Avenue, Jonesboro, AR, USA
(870) 972-0411